Transformation of Personnel Management Process: Reshaping Responsibilities of Non-Medical Personnel

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Elena Medvedeva, Sergey Kroshilin, Andrey V. Starshinin
Rimashevskaya Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population of the Federal Center Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Original Researches
healthcare, non-medical workers, non-medical, medical management, socio-economic problems, healthcare efficiency


Background. One of the major challenges in modern healthcare that is timely delivery of high-quality
medical care to the population must be addressed. First of all, it requires effective staff management.
The quantitative and structural imbalance of medical professionals is another common issue in modern
healthcare. The current changes in staff management are primarily related to reshaping of responsibilities
of medical personnel. In this context, we will discuss reshaping as the transfer of some responsibilities of
medical personnel to non-medical one, which is expected to reduce the excessive physician workload.
The purpose of this article is to study and analyze the existing positive practices and solutions in personnel
management aimed at delegating tasks not related to health care delivery to non-medical personnel in medical
Materials and methods. The authors conducted an expert interview with heads of medical organizations,
doctors, heads of divisions and chiefs of departments of medical organizations in Moscow and Russian
regions. Along with interviews, authors used SWOT analysis.
Results. The conducted survey revealed potential transformation trends. According to expert opinion,
the main transformations aimed at reshaping responsibilities of non-medical personnel are related to a set
of functions such as work in call centers, implementation of telemedicine technologies, use of high-tech
equipment and technologies for timely health care delivery. This study methods and findings can contribute
to recommendations on job responsibilities of non-medical workers including the reduction of physicians
workload. The results will be of interest to scientists, researchers, HR managers and health authorities
engaged in the process of optimization and improvement of medical care provision.


For citation: Medvedeva E. I., Kroshilin S. V. Transformation of Personnel Management Process: Reshaping
Responsibilities of Non-Medical Personnel. City Healthсare, 2023, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 60-72. doi: 10.47619/2713-;60-72 (in Russian).

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